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The result of VIN checking process for VIN 1G11H55L7EF179622
Vehicle History Reports for Vehicle Line of CHEVROLET CITATION 1984 is available.
Error Code | 1,5,14 |
Error Text | 1 - Check Digit (9th position) does not calculate properly; 5 - VIN has errors in few positions; 14 - Unable to provide information for some of the characters in the VIN, based on the manufacturer submission. |
Manufacturer | GENERAL MOTORS LLC |
Model | Citation |
Year | 1984 |
Possible Values | (4:ABCDEHJLNPSWXYZ)(6:0123678)(8:125689ABCDFGHNPRTVXZ)(11:15679ABDGHJLNRTWXY) |
Series | II |
Suggested V I N | 1G1!H!5!7E!179622 |
Vehicle Descriptor | 1G11H55L*EF |
Vehicle Type | PASSENGER CAR |
Vin | 1G11H55L7EF179622 |