Air Bag Loc Front | 1st Row (Driver and Passenger) |
Air Bag Loc Knee | 1st Row (Driver and Passenger) |
Air Bag Loc Side | 1st and 2nd Rows |
Body Class | Convertible/Cabriolet |
Displacement C C | 4000 |
Displacement C I | 244.0949763789 |
Displacement L | 4 |
Doors | 2 |
Engine Cylinders | 6 |
Engine H P | 493 |
Error Code | 3,14 |
Error Text | 3 - VIN corrected, error in one position (assuming Check Digit is correct); 14 - Unable to provide information for some of the characters in the VIN, based on the manufacturer submission. |
Fuel Type Primary | Gasoline |
G V W R | Class 1B: 3,001 - 4,000 lb (1,360 - 1,814 kg) |
G V W R To | Class 1B: 3,001 - 4,000 lb (1,360 - 1,814 kg) |